With the rising popularity of hurdy gurdy, the demand for the instrument has increased. To learn to play a hurdy gurdy, you need a quality instrument that can support your practice.

Even though the hurdy gurdy is an old instrument, there are modern versions available. Also, many musical stores sell the instrument.

Now the question is, how to buy the best hurdy gurdy? For somebody who is buying a hurdy gurdy for the first time, it can be challenging to find the perfect match. To help you out, we have provided a brief guide below.

Type Of Hurdy Gurdy

Hurdy gurdies come in various types and each of them is unique in its ways. You should pick a hurdy gurdy depending on your skill level and playing style. Traditional models have unique tonal characteristics, which are not suitable for beginners. Select a simpler model, so learning becomes easy.

Build Quality

The build quality has a large impact on the instrument’s sound and durability. Hurdy Gurdies that are made of high-quality materials tend to sound better than the cheaper ones. You should buy a hurdy gurdy made of solid wood as they produce a richer tone.

String Configuration

Another important thing to check is the string configuration. Hurdy gurdies are usually equipped with melody strings, sympathetic strings, and drone strings. The quality of these strings affects the instrument’s sound. As a beginner, you should pick a model that has one or two melody strings and a few drone strings.


From affordable to high-end, you will find all types of hurdy gurdies. Before buying the instrument, determine your budget. Even though higher-quality instruments are more expensive, they tend to last longer. Plus, they produce better sound.

Reputation of the Maker

Run a reputation check on the maker of the instrument. You must buy the hurdy gurdy from an established maker. By checking online reviews, you can get an idea about the maker’s reputation. If possible, try out instruments in person to assess the sound and build quality.

Buying a hurdy-gurdy is an exciting experience, but it requires you to assess everything carefully. By considering these factors, you can find a quality hurdy gurdy for yourself.


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